CMF Early-Development Funding

New this year! FilmPEI can provide up to TWO letters of interest to trigger the CANADIAN MEDIA FUND Early-Stage Development Program which allows producers funds to pre-develop projects in the genres of Drama, Children & Youth, Documentary or Variety and Performing Arts. (see definitions of eligible and ineligible projects)


DEADLINE  5PM – JUNE 12, 2019 (no extensions)

The CMF will pay for up to 84% of the early-stage development and the producer will be responsible for the remaining 16%. REMEMBER that should the project go into production THESE FUNDS MUST BE PAID BACK ON THE FIRST DAY OF PRINCIPLE PHOTOGRAPHY.

To apply through Film PEI, we require all members to be in good standing. An Advisory Committee of industry professionals will be scoring each eligible application on four criteria:

  1. Creative — is the concept and story strong enough to warrant substantial development?
  2. Impact —- what kind of impact can this pre-development and the final project have on PEI’s burgeoning film industry?
  3. Marketability —- does the project have a chance of being made?
  4. Feasibility —- strength of team, flexibility of project to scale down to a smaller budget



IMPORTANT: The applicants that succeed in acquiring a letter of interest from FIlmPEI are not guaranteed CMF funding.  Successful producers will have to apply for funding to CMF via their DIGITAL PLATFORM (DIALOGUE) . IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT PRODUCERS PRE-REGISTER SEVERAL DAYS PRIOR TO THE JUNE 20TH CMF OPENING DATE TO ENSURE THEIR ACCOUNTS ARE SET UP AND READY FOR APPLICATION DAY.