FilmPEI and COVID-19


Gear Rental:
Please give us 48 hours notice for gear rental as equipment needs to be disinfected between use.

Executive Director Appointments:
Please continue to book Executive Director appointments.

Visiting FilmPEI:
FilmPEI, like all businesses, must adhere to the P.E.I. Public Health Office’s regulations and have a Covid-19 focused operational plan in place. We have sanitization stations around the space and a sanitization protocol.

Please refrain from visiting FilmPEI if you are exhibiting any of the following symptoms: 
• Feeling feverish.
• New or worsening cough.
• And/or difficulty breathing.

Guidelines for Filming

The guidelines below have been created in conjunction with P.E.I. Public Health. All productions must have their own operational plan outlining policies/procedures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and be able to provide the paperwork to officials if they are asked. Operational plan templates can be found on the provincial website at:

General Guidelines:

  • All cast and crew must social distance by staying six-feet apart outside and inside.
  • Maximum 15 crew inside a location and 20 outside for smaller productions.
  • Equipment may be shared (i.e lavalier mics) when necessary with precautions (see below).
  • Do not share drink/food/utensils.
  • Masks, sanitizer and gloves are not alternatives to social distancing.
  • Contact information is required from all participants in case of the need for contact tracing.

Specific Guidelines 

  1. Production:
  • Film crews should only be a maximum fifteen (15) people indoors and twenty (20) people (actors, clients) in total outdoors and they must be able to remain six (6) feet apart. Larger scale productions may have up to 50 crew but this is not advised and an operational plan must be submitted to the province.
  • Larger scale productions, i.e. a feature or series, should have a Covid Compliance Officer.
  • Production crews and clients/actors should fill out and sign a document asking standard Covid-19 questions and provide their phone number in case contact tracing is required. (Template on Request)
  • A crew member should be assigned as a Protocol Coordinator to make sure that everyone has signed their documents and are adhering to the production’s Covid-19 protocols. It is suggested that prior to shoot day, the protocols are presented to all participants verbally, either by phone or in a group zoom, and that documents are digitally transmitted back and forth.
  1. On-set procedure:
  • On the day of shooting, the Protocol Coordinator must ensure all documentation is in order and verify that all participants are not exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms. This includes anyone living or working in the location in which filming is taking place.
  • Only designated persons should be on the set. (No guests, friends, family members.)
  • Limit entry and exit from a location and ensure people can maintain a six (6) foot distance from each other at all times.
  • Hand sanitizer must be on set at all times. It is suggested each participant carries their own.
  • All personnel should clean their hands with hand sanitizer when they arrive on set.
  • Equipment may be handled by more than one person. For example, a lav mic may be handed to a subject to put on themselves. If the sound person must put the lav mic on a subject, both should be wearing masks and keeping their faces away from each other.
  • Gear and sets should be prepared by the crew while those being filmed wait in another area.
  • Once everything has been set up, the subject can take their place.
  • Anyone coming with in six (6) feet of each other must be wearing a non-medical mask.
  • If something must be shared, for example, a chair which interviewees will sit on, this should be disinfected with an approved sanitizer between uses. Note: the operational plan should name the type of disinfectant that is used and should always keep the material safety data sheet (MSDS) close by so people know what to do in case emergency first aid is required.
  • Crew should travel independently to and from set unless from the same household.
  • People should maintain distancing rules during breaks and meals.
  • No sharing utensils or food.
  • Filming outside is recommended over entering subjects’ houses but should filming need to take place in someone’s house the Protocol Coordinator should ascertain that there are no individuals in the house who are self-isolating and that the home has been adequately clean and disinfected in the area where the film crew will be working. Crew should not be using the onsite kitchen or bathrooms.
  • It is suggested that masks, gloves and extra hand sanitizer are available if asked for.


Given the challenges Covid-19 presents for set operations, these guidelines are fluid and can change at any time. Monitor your own behaviour regularly and be vigilant.


Moving forward 

It is imperative that we all adhere to the guidelines put out by the PEI Public Health Office. It’s for the safety of our entire community. FilmPEI continues to work hard to ensure we can build a vibrant film sector, safely.

Please understand that the above notes are based on the latest information. Covid-19 is unpredictable so we must all be nimble and work with the guidelines we receive at any given moment. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact FilmPEI at with questions or suggestions.


FilmPEI Gear Safety Procedures

• Equipment will be cleaned over all contact surfaces with alcohol swabs, or a spray disinfectant. The equipment is cleaned when returned from a rental.  If it has been used or touched inside the FilmPEI premises, then it will be cleaned again before going out on another rental.

• Requests must be submitted a minimum of 48-hours prior to rental pickup.

Outgoing rental procedure:

• Members will arrange a pickup time with Omar. Members can load their own gear into their vehicles.

• Rental agreements will be done either via email or in person.

Returning rental procedure:

• The member will arrange a drop-off time with Omar.  Then they will load the equipment into the FilmPEI rental loading area.

• Omar will assess gear, clean and put away into its regular storage area.


Note: Members must provide an operational plan. Please have the answers to the following questions ready:
1. How many people are you filming with? Crew and clients/subjects?
2. Where are you shooting – inside or outside?
3. If you are shooting inside how will you ensure six-feet of separation between crew members and cast?
4. Who is handling the gear?
5. What kind of safety measures are you taking (masks, sanitizer)?