Today marks the official wrap of the residency of Amanda Dawn Christie. IMAC would like to thank Amanda so much for working in our space and making such a wonderful piece for Art In The Open. We are sad to see Amanda go but so excited to see how she expands on the work she created here.
After packing up Amanda we had to say good-bye to our resource room. So it’ll be a bit cramped up in IMAC for a while till things get reorganized but in the end it’ll be worth it.
And on the topic of wrapping, we’ve officially wrapped the Lovely Witches Club shoot! Woohoo! Hoping for a January 1 release date but will keep you posted.
Speaking of microbudget I’ve signed out equipment to at least 2 teams this summer that are creating the trailers for their microbudget applications already. Very smart move. I highly recommend getting your microbudget applications in order as soon as you can to work them until they are perfect. As always I am here to offer information and insight.
So many people are shooting in September! It’s amazing! Jeremy Larter shoots his Pogey Beach feature soon. Mille Clarkes is shooting a documentary. Scott Parsons and his team are shooting a trailer for their Jupiter Wise project. And Adam Perry shoots the short version of his film A Small Fortune.
We also have several filmmakers going to the Atlantic Film Festival this year including Mille Clarkes, John Hopkins and Jenna MacMillan and her team.
Very exciting time for film on PEI! If you have a story to tell me give me a shout and we’ll make sure to feature you in a blog post!
Big things are on the horizon for IMAC. Stay tuned for more info or better yet come to the AGM this month! I’ll be sending out invitations soon.