The primary purpose of FilmPEI is to assist emerging, mid-career, and established filmmakers in their production efforts by providing a pool of talent, resources, workshops, programming structures, equipment and space. Through these avenues we inspire interest in, and support of, all aspects of the media arts to a community that would otherwise find these forms of expression less accessible and less affordable.
FilmPEI Membership comes in two categories:
Voting Members and Non-Voting Members
Voting Members are able to vote at the Annual General Meeting and Special Members Meetings. Voting membership level also allows for discounted rates (see for artist owned creative content that is meant to forward the creative career of members in good standing. Members are considered ‘in good standing’ if their annual dues are paid up and they have no overdue invoices owing. It is important for all voting members to be active within FilmPEI – to attend General Meetings, Annual General Meetings and to assist in, or spearhead, committees, fundraising initiatives and new program initiatives.
General Membership – $46 (tax included) per year – Must be 18+
- Access to most workshops at member rates.
- Access to FilmPEI’s facilities during open hours.
- Application requirements: the application form and the membership fee. Send form and e-transfer payments to
Full Membership • $92 (tax included) per year – Must be 18+
- Access to workshops at member rates.
- The right to apply for production grants.
- Access to all equipment (some require special training).
- May request access to the facility for after-hours use.
- Application requirements: the application form, the membership fee. Send form and e-transfer payments to
Lifetime Membership
- Free membership for life.
- An honour bestowed by the Board of Directors to one deserving FilmPEI Member that has contributed greatly to P.E.I.’s film industry. Lifetime Memberships are typically awarded once a year during the Annual General Meeting.
- Access to entry-level workshops at member rates.
- The right to apply for production grants.
- Has access to all equipment (some require special training).
- May request access to the facility for after-hours use.
Non-voting Members have no vote at FilmPEI Annual General and Special Members meetings but do have certain privileges.
Youth Membership– $28.75 (tax included) per year
- Access to entry-level workshops at member rates.
- Access to entry-level equipment and the facilities during open hours on a case-by-case basis.
- Must have a guardian sign all contracts. Guardians must sign the Youth Membership contract releasing FilmPEI from all liability for their wards and taking responsibility for any damage to gear and facilities.
- Unless otherwise stated, workshops are geared toward adult members and may not be suitable for younger members. Guardians are responsible for alerting workshop leaders to their youth’s attendance and making arrangements for circumstances such as shortened or lengthened classes.
- Application requirements: the application form signed by a guardian in the presence of a FilmPEI staff and the membership fee.
- Send form and e-transfer payments to – e-transfers are preferred but we do take credit cards and cheques.
- If you’d like us to introduce you to the rest of P.E.I.’s filmmaking community, send us a brief bio and a photo of yourself.
Associate Membership– $138 (tax included) per year
- For visiting or local producers who want to rent FilmPEI gear without participating in the organization.
- Discounted rates typically do not apply for this membership level but exception to this policy is at the discretion of the Executive Director.
- Access to equipment rental with a credit card and government issued photo ID for security.
- Access to the facilities during work hours and/or with a technician on site after-hours.
- Application requirements: the application form and the membership fee.
- Send form and e-transfer payments to – e-transfers are preferred but we do take credit cards and cheques.
Business/Corporate Membership – $172.50 (tax included) per year
- For registered businesses and corporations that want to utilize FilmPEI’s services.
- Businesses must designate one employee to be a point-of-contact for FilmPEI. Businesses may designate employees who have the authority to rent under the Business Membership.
- Access to all equipment (some require special training).
- May request access to the facility after-hours.
- Application requirements: the application form and the membership fee.
- Send form and e-transfer payments to – e-transfers are preferred but we do take credit cards and cheques.
Want to know more about the perks of membership?
FilmPEI Member’s Handbook 2024
Please contact before sending any payments.
Email all applications for membership to or mail to FilmPEI, 57 Watts Ave., Charlottetown, PE, C1E 2B7. First time memberships are valid from the day of payment and that date will be the renewal date. Returning members will pay the full fee to renew their membership regardless of the time of year.