FilmPEI upholds the right of every person to be free from harassment and discrimination of any kind including sexual harassment, bullying and discriminatory harassment in the workplace, and every worker is assured of the protection of this right.
Harassment is any single or repeated occurrence of inappropriate conduct, comment, display, action or gesture or incidents of bullying that the person knows or ought reasonably to know could have a harmful effect on the employee’s psychological or physical health and safety.
Harassment includes conduct that is based on any personal characteristic such as, but not limited to, race, creed, religion, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, marital status, family status, disability, physical size or weight, age, nationality, ancestry or place of origin.
Harassment also includes any inappropriate sexual conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to the person responsible for the conduct to be unwelcome, such as, but not limited to sexual solicitation or advances, sexually suggestive remarks, jokes or gestures, circulating or sharing inappropriate images or unwanted physical contact.
Reasonable action taken by an employer or supervisor related to the management and direction of employees, such as performance reviews, work evaluation, and disciplinary measures taken for any valid reason, is not harassment.
Workers are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect and to have a work environment free from harassment and discrimination, as prescribed by the Province of Prince Edward Island’s occupational health and safety and human rights legislation (PEI Human Rights Act). This policy applies to all workers and representatives of the FilmPEI while in the workplace, on FilmPEI premises, or during any work-related and/or social functions.
Workers are expected to assist FilmPEI in its attempts to prevent and eliminate harassment in the workplace. FilmPEI will treat any form of harassment that occurs in the workplace seriously irrespective of the alleged harasser’s position within the organization.