Producing Workshop Series

Ever wondered what it takes to get a movie made?Then check out the FilmPEI Producing Series! 


(Those with NO EXPERIENCE are welcome but you will need to prepare by
watching our Intro to Producing digital course – info below).

So if you are a:

• filmmaker who has to self-produce and you want a comprehensive to do list

• filmmaker who wants to learn the role and importance of a producer
and how having a

producer frees up the director to focus on their creative vision

• have a entrepreneurial soul and are interested in helping filmmakers
tell their stories



Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Send an email telling us you are interested.

Step 2: If you don’t have experience you will need to watch the  Intro
to Producing course that was run last year. Even if you do have
experience this will be a great refresher. We will send you the video
links to sixteen (16) hours of the original program recorded via zoom.
These are the raw zoom files but they give you the information you
will need for the next step.

Step 3:  Facilitator Walter Forsyth will deliver the Producing 201
program Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 8:30 starting Sept 7 and running
till October 26


REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED:   The  Producing 201 series is open to anyone who has
participated in or watched the 16 hours of Intro to Producing or has
the equivalent knowledge.

Register at

FEE:  General Public $250 /   FilmPEI Members $125 (plus HST)

FilmPEI has a ‘pay what you wish’ option for members.Ask about membership and payment options.

This series is ideal for any emerging producer wanting to apply to the
Film4Ward program.

DEADLINE: Register By Sept 6, 2021


More about Intro to Producing (recorded zoom videos):

This online workshop series introduces new producers to the world of
producing. In this 16 hour workshop series producer Walter Forsyth
goes through all the practical details you should think of when
developing and producing a narrative fiction film. Choosing the right
project, building a team, the shoot itself and what to do with your
film to get you to the next phase of your career will all be touched
on in this series.

Course outline:Week 1: What is Producing
Week 2: Intellectual Property and Development
Week 3: Funding and Pitching
Week 4: Pre-production
Week 5: Production
Week 6: Post-Production
Week 7: Marketing
Week 8: Festivals and Making Money

More about PRODUCING 201  8-week live zoom sessions:

This 8 week 12-hour workshop series will take participants a little
deeper into the world of producing.

Course Outline:

Instructor Bio:
Walter Forsyth is the producer of Shandi Mitchell’s feature film, The
Disappeared, nominated for two Canadian Screen Awards. He won TIFF’s
2011 Pitch This! award and received a Sundance Doc Fund grant.  Walter
also produced the Andrea Dorfman/Tanya Davis short “How To Be Alone”
and wrote and directed several award winning documentaries including
30 Takes: Three decades of Independent Filmmaking in
Atlantic Canada, LSD 25 and Nova Scotia Folk Art. As the Executive
Director of The Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative Walter founded the
Halifax Independent Filmmakers Festival. He’s also has worked as a
programmer for the Atlantic Film Festival and has been on the board of
directors at the Hot Docs International Documentary Film Festival and
DOC Atlantic. Walter teaches film studies and is the Development
Coordinator at Lunenburg Doc Fest. Be sure to check out, join our mailing list and watch our social media for
exciting updates about FilmPEI programming and the PEI film industry!