Writer’s Round Table

Wednesday, December 12 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the theatre of The Guild

IMAC  will host the first in a series of  ’round-tables’ for writers to table their scripts (finished or work-in-process) for constructive but professional feedback and critique from their peers. Writers can present scripts and concepts for any kind of work as long as they bring at least six copies of the script they wish to present for their ‘table’ to review with them. Tables will be kept small to allow each group to concentrate on what they are being presented and to allow for in-depth analysis, discussion and the open sharing of opinion.

For all those who really wonder how a potential audience would react to their work this is an excellent opportunity to find out how your work impacts and what reaction it creates – for those more experienced writers trying something different, you’ll get the feedback you are looking for!

Admission is free and open to members and non-members and there will be a cash bar.  See you there!