Survey for Screenwriters

Hi PEI Screenwriters. We are trying to gauge interest and needs in the screenwriting community here on PEI.

So please take this short SURVEY!

Once we have a handle on who’s out there and what’s possible, we’ll look into providing ways that we could provide some development support for a few projects.

If you do have a project in development and are looking for some help, send along a 150-word description of what you are working on and some of the background.  Write it as though we were having a chat about what you’ve done with your project and what is your end goal.

For example, you might say something like:  I have a first draft of a feature and I want to take it to the next draft.  The story is about a farming family on the verge of ruin and the every day hero who comes to their rescue.  There are limited locations and a small cast, so very doable by Canadian standards, etc.  The theme is: Always look for the open window, there is usually one.

Remember that story matters most:

  1. If you submit a documentary, make sure you have a strong unique story to tell that will attract an audience.
  2. If you submit a comedy, make the submission funny.
  3. If you submit high drama, your proposal needs to draw strong emotions; and
  4. If it’s more of a dramedy, be sure there is some of each in your submission.

Send your answers, questions, and submission in the body of an e-mail and address it to

Please no attachments in the email.