This year marked the first year of the Charlottetown Film Festival and it was a blast! This festival grew out of IMAC’s Island Media Arts Festival that ran for 5 years. Now hosted by the Charlottetown Film Society, the Charlottetown Film Festival took place at City Cinema in mid October and since this was its first year the festival’s theme was Firsts. Several first features from across the Maritimes screened over the weekend as well as a first feature from an Atlantic neighbour, Iceland. The screenings were all very well attended and the parties at The Next Door Lounge and Local 343 were packed! Most of the Island filmmakers were in attendance and VIPs from CBC and Telefilm were also there. Thank you to Curator Cheryl Wagner and Coordinator Extraordinaire Mary-Helen MacLeese.
Harmony Wagner leads an Acting for Camera Workshop.
Jenna MacMillan wins the WIFT Salute Award!