Lovely Witches Club, the 7 episode webseries created by Renee Laprise and Patti Larsen, launches today! Lovely Witches Club is funded by Talent Fund and Telefilm through the Telefilm Micro-budget Production Program grant.
LWC is a multi-media project that combines dramatic narrative storytelling with ‘extras content’ embedded in the video to give the audience a deeper view into the world and its history. Accompanying each episode is a ‘novelette’ that dives deeper into the story of the episode. There is also a real life members-only club that is accessible on a pay-what-you-wish scale so that anyone can join and enjoy the content. Once all the episodes are released the series will be marketed at at a variety of venues. The webseries will be entered in festivals, the books will be featured at book conferences, hand crafted goods and LWC merchandise will be sold at craft markets and events such as the upcoming Witches Ball will feature all of the LWC content.
Lovely Witches Club (webseries 7 episodes)
A young woman is the key to saving the cursed magic of an entire Island but will she embrace her power to save the witch sisterhood or run away screaming!
Episode 1 – Rebel witches decide to take matters into their own hands and summon a long lost heir (Reese) to see if she has the power needed to break the curse destroying their Island’s magical core. Extras content embedded in the video and links are below.
Lovely Witches Club webseries air date schedule.
Join the club at and have some witchy fun!